Arabian Adventures

Northern Bird Bev moves to Dubai UAE with her job and her life changes beyond her wildest dreams.....

Friday, May 05, 2006

A Girls Best Friend

Having arrived in Dubai an independent woman and contentedly single, it was a shock when I fell head over heals for this French Canadian bloke, to me as much as my family and friends back home. When you know you just know, and I knew Alain was right for me, ah…..getting a bit sloppy now. We’d talked about getting married, as it’s illegal to cohabit in the UAE it makes life much easier living here. We'd not talked about specifics and there’d been no proposal, we’d just accepted that it would happen; hardly romantic! We were discussing the subject one night sat on his nibs’ patio, when I said “you’ve not even asked me”. Instead of the expected response (a proposal) his nibs said “well you’ve not asked me” – we can be childish at times! So in the spirit of sexual equality, I was an independent woman after all, I got down on one knee and said “will you marry me?”. His nibs said yes and the conversation continued!

Of course like all women I love sparklies (diamonds) but I honestly was not interested in an engagement ring. I know you may find this hard to believe but it’s the truth. I did want a very nice wedding ring with sparklies though! His nibs unbeknownst to me had been conspiring with a friend of his, a diamond dealer here in Dubai. He was determined to buy a one carat rock for me. I was spoiling these plans insisting I didn’t want an engagement ring and searching for my perfect wedding ring. Eventually his nibs had to come clean and tell me what he’d been up to. So I reluctantly agreed to go see some of the diamond dealers wears. Now I’m sure you ladies reading this will be rolling your eyes thinking “yeah, right!” the men thinking “yet more female reverse psychology”. But I’ve been married before, I had the whole shebang and it didn’t work, so really had no desire for a repeat performance. Anyway she doth protest too much me thinks….

Off to the Gold Souk we go to find our sparkly. And find it we did, so now I have choose to a ring design I like. Now this was fun… searching the shops and net for my perfect ring was great. As it turns out I didn’t find it, his nibs did; see how well he knows me. So armed with a print of the design we go back to the gold souk, hand over his nibs’ hard earned dosh and take measurements. A few days later the rings are delivered, we had my wedding ring made at the same time. Alain finally got down on one knee and placed my enormous rock on third finger left hand…..


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