Arabian Adventures

Northern Bird Bev moves to Dubai UAE with her job and her life changes beyond her wildest dreams.....

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A few of my favourite things….

I'm currently suffering with insomnia; it's not a regular occurrence so please don't send me your cures, but it's been going on now for over two weeks. Last night whilst laying in bed willing sleep to take me, his nibs soundly snoring at my side, as usual my mind starts racing, and the strangest things pop into it at 3am. Why is that I wonder? Anyway one of the many oddities that popped in there last night was the song 'My favourite things' from the film 'The Sound of Music'. I know why that came to me last night but I'll not bore you with the tale, H knows though! So I got to thinking about my favourite things (not places or people - just things) and decided to blog them. In no particular order this is what I though of last night....…

Really light Ribena
In Blighty this is known as 'Toothkind Ribena' it's the one with the green label and no added sugar. I used to drink it by the gallon in the UK, but when I moved to Dubai they only had normal and light, both of which were too sweet for my taste. Just recently, like in the last month they've started to sell 'Really Light' which pleases me no end. I've pilled weight on and I know that's because I've been drinking too much Coke, ironically I don't like Diet Coke only the fat version.... I'm strange at times...…

This may appear obvious as I'm struggling with it at the moment but even when I'm not I love it. You know that tugging sensation you get when you're just about to sink into the oblivion of sleep? Well that's what I love, those last few moments of consciousness before sleep takes you, mmmmm heaven. I also like the other side too, when you wake at 5am it's still dark and you know you can snuggle back into sleep for a while. I'm an eight hours a night girl and I really don't like getting up, once I'm up though I'm instantly awake; it's quite annoying really, ask his nibs or H.

HP Sauce
Simply great with beans on toast, cheese on toast, cheese and beans on toast, boiled egg on toast; all my kitchen specialities really. When I lived in India it was only to be found in the Oberoi hotel and I have to admit to stealing a bottle as I missed it sooo much....…

My mums stew and dumplings
I slaver at the thought of my mums stew and dumplings; it's the only thing I ask for when I visit. The other night I was talking to mum, she told she was making it for the kids' tea, I would have been on the next flight out had his nibs not stopped me. I want it now actually, the keyboard will get wet, I must stop thinking about it...

Lazy mornings in bed
Friday mornings in Dubai are like a Sunday morning in the rest of the world, a chance of a lie in. I love snuggling up to his nibs for an hour or so, just chatting and cuddling and chatting...

My blog
This may sound egotistical, but I've really enjoyed writing my blog. As I've been playing catch up it's made me think about the things I've done here. I've been amazed at the things I'd forgotten about, the great times I've had and the wonderful people I've met. It's definitely made me appreciate things a bit more; I've kinda stopped to smell the roses so to speak. And as anyone who knows me will tell you I love to tell a story and that's basically what my blog is, me story telling.

And finaly...well of course.....

The Sound of Music
Raindrops on roses
And whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles
And warm woollen mittens
La la la la la.....


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